Backlog Scanning

Backlog Scanning

Having implemented a new Enterprise Content Management Solutions is not enough for organizations to fully exploit the treasures of information buried in their content repositories unless the new content repositories are loaded with the backlog of historical content accumulated over the years. The process of backlog loading in new repositories is a hectic process including documents receiving, un-stapling, scanning, image processing, indexing, quality assurance, re-stapling, and submission of documents. IT-Blocks have developed a unique Methodology for Managing the Backlog content load. Covering the above processes loosely coupled with many types of scanners.
Besides, integrated with the methodology, IT-Blocks has developed an application – IBBSS – where IT-Blocks does not only manage the process of backlog loading but also produces the content data in an XML format ready to be migrated into the new content repository.

Employing proven, secure technology solutions and conversion methods enable us to carry out even the most challenging assignments. IT-Blocks has an experienced team of document scanning experts to support large-scale projects that require quick turn-around-time and high-quality deliverables.

By making use of our highly acclaimed Scanning and Indexing services, you can prevent the hazards of maintaining all the business documents in hard copies. You can convert and save all the necessary large data and images in digital format.

Backlog Scanning Methodology

Receiving Files

Receiving Files is one of the most critical success factors of the project. The following are some criteria that have to taken into consideration during receiving Files:
  • On the Receiving process, forms R1 and R2 are filled and signed by both parties: the customer and the company
  • Sample of forms R1 and R2 are attached herewith
  • Forms R1 and R2 are the basis for quality control of the whole system
  • Forms R1 and R2 shall be automated and printed before signature for their data to be used in automated quality control procedures listed below
  • After Signature, a patch process is run on the server to create a tree of folders similar to that signed on R1 and R2. A folder is created for the date of receipt containing a folder for each file that contains a folder for each section containing a folder for each document


  • After receiving the Files from the customer, based on the type of Files and type of Sections and size of Pages in each file, they are dispatched to the scanning operators
  • The rules of the dispatching process are dependent on the document analysis data that shall be submitted to us before the start of the project
  • Dispatching rules are operational rules that might be subjected to change by the project operations manager to achieve maximum productivity of both the scanners and the people


The process of Scanning includes:
  • Detaching Sections from Files
  • Un-grouping Documents of Sections
  • Un-stapling stapled Documents
  • Scanning document Pages
  • Saving scanned Pages on Server in the corresponding folder
  • Re-stapling Documents (if needed)


Based on the analysis phase, some data fields are to be entered for each document. Those data fields are the same for each document type. Those pieces of data will generally be taken from the first page of the document itself.
The following are tasks done within Data Entry
  • Pick Data from document
  • Do Data Entry
  • Re-group Documents into Sections
  • Re-attach Sections into Files

Receiving Files

Self-quality control is composed of four tasks. Two of them are automated while the other depends on the human revision of both data and images. These are:
  • Check number of Pages for each document
its an automated process that counts the number of images (Pages) in each folder, compares it with the number of Pages of each document and produces a discrepancy report
  • Check completeness of data
its another automated process that checks the completeness of data fields according to each document type and produces a discrepancy report
  • Check correctness of data
A list of Documents and corresponding data is produced in a report for the quality control to revise data entered and ensure correctness and completeness.
  • Check quality of images
Saved images are revised to ensure the quality of scanning

Customer Quality Control

After having completed the self-quality control process, the customer is required to approve both the data entered and the quality of scanning. The process works as follows:
  • After Self Quality control of each file, it is flagged as Self Quality Controlled
  • Using the application, everyday customer lists Files that have finished their Self Quality Control process and starts revising them
  • Customer flags Approved Files as approved
  • Customer flags rejected Files as rejected and enter rejection reason
  • Customer agrees and commits that any Files that are not flagged as approved or rejected within two business days will be considered automatically approved
  • Rejected Files are returned to Self Quality Control for mending rejection reasons

Rejected Files

  • Rejected Files during Customer Quality Control are listed daily to Self Quality Control
  • Rejected Files are dispatched back to be re-scanned or for data entry to be corrected and flagged as adjusted
  • They are then back to Self Quality Control that flags them as adjusted for re-check
  • Customer quality Control finds them in his list and either approves them or reject them back with comments
  • All approvals are rejections logged in the system for quality control and management purposes

Submitting Files

After having been approved from customer quality control, Files are resubmitted back to Customer. A number of submitted Pages per day should be similar to the number of received ones one or two days before.
  • Based on the signed R1 and R2 Forms, S1 and S2 forms are generated
  • Customer counts number of Pages and signs S1 and S2 accordingly
  • Signed copies of S1 and S2 are grouped with R1 and R2 and archived

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