Meetings are one of the most important activities in any company, university, and enterprise. The overall strategy of an organization is set, and key decisions are made, in the Meetings. Organizing, keeping track of, and managing meetings are highly important tasks, but could be a burden without automation. Documenting and keeping records of earlier meetings as well as preparing for the next ones are not easy tasks if they are done manually.
Ejtema3at Product offers a full suite of facility scheduling and calendaring solutions that empower any size organization with a meeting to maximize utilization, streamline communications, and reduce operating costs. It’s efficient, easy-to-use tool that covers the whole process of a meeting including sending meeting invitations, members’ registration, and meeting minutes, to follow up the meetings decisions., with 24/7 access to meeting records and decisions. Specifying the agenda, topics, tasks in advance, and notifying members through email and SMS.
Ejtema3at is a perfect choice for government entities, large corporations, universities and enterprises as it maintains the main and subsidiary board entries with a clear set of hierarchy rules. Ejtema3at empowers the main board members with access to subsidiary boards, contacts, meeting minutes, decision records and recommendations.
Ejtema3at is compatible with IE11 and Edge, IT-Blocks is working closely with Microsoft to support Ejtema3at on both browsers to provide the best user experience on Windows 10