
Meeting without hassle


Meetings are one of the most important activities in any company, university, and enterprise. The overall strategy of an organization is set, and key decisions are made, in the Meetings. Organizing, keeping track of, and managing meetings are highly important tasks, but could be a burden without automation. Documenting and keeping records of earlier meetings as well as preparing for the next ones are not easy tasks if they are done manually.
Ejtema3at Product offers a full suite of facility scheduling and calendaring solutions that empower any size organization with a meeting to maximize utilization, streamline communications, and reduce operating costs. It’s efficient, easy-to-use tool that covers the whole process of a meeting including sending meeting invitations, members’ registration, and meeting minutes, to follow up the meetings decisions., with 24/7 access to meeting records and decisions. Specifying the agenda, topics, tasks in advance, and notifying members through email and SMS.
Ejtema3at is a perfect choice for government entities, large corporations, universities and enterprises as it maintains the main and subsidiary board entries with a clear set of hierarchy rules. Ejtema3at empowers the main board members with access to subsidiary boards, contacts, meeting minutes, decision records and recommendations.

Ejtema3at is compatible with IE11 and Edge, IT-Blocks is working closely with Microsoft to support Ejtema3at on both browsers to provide the best user experience on Windows 10

Key Features:

  • Professional Meeting Minutes Layouts
  • Automated Distribution of Minutes
  • Fast and Effective Note Taking
  • Assign Action Items
  • Archive Minutes
  • Integration with Outlook and Google Calendar
  • Powerful Agenda Module
  • Voting and Notification module
  • Customizable Templates
  • Powerful Task Management module
  • Agenda and Minutes Approval Process
  • User Permission module with Active Directory Integration


Choose the date for an upcoming meeting or ad hoc gathering using the scheduler. Invite members, add meeting location.

On the Go MOM

Ejtema3at makes it easy to capture everything, take shorts notes, create secret and open vote, and decide for each agenda topic during the meeting while attendees discuss the agenda topics

Distribute Meeting Minutes

After the meeting, Ejtema3at automatically creates the meeting minutes based on the information entered through the meeting. The meeting minutes with all associated notes, votes and tasks are automatically distributed to members. Participants can decide to proofread or add notes after the meeting if needed.


Ejtema3at Powerful task management provides an efficient method for task owners to quickly update the status of their assigned meeting action items through their Meeting in My Task list.

Flexible Integration

Wide range of integration for on-premises option Active directory integration, Exchange server integration , outlook and SMS gateway integration

Administration Module

Manage permissions, Create/ edit templates, manage Committees and meeting rooms


Save time and effort by creating reusable templates for meeting invitation, using/modifying one of our pre-built templates. Just import a template into a meeting and make your modifications.


Ejtema3at provides instance notification module to notify the user with related notifications about new meeting invitation beside live notification for any updates through the running meeting (new vote, new decision etc.)

A proper Agenda

Meeting starts by making an agenda, adding a member, and allocating topics to participants. Further, the agenda will provide an outline for taking great meeting minutes. Ejtema3at automatically transfers agenda over to members allowing take note to enter minutes for each topic instantly during the meeting.

Actionable Meeting Minutes

Finally, achieve standardized and easy to consume meeting notes from all attendees … after the meeting immediately. All meeting notes, voting results and decision are summarized, can be edited easily and instantly delivered to all meeting attendees. And get a final approve to archive the meeting

Archive the Meetings

Ejtema3at stores all meeting minutes online, archives them by meeting title, date, coordinator and its attachments. Make it easy to access the minutes by anyone with viewing permission. With a search across several meeting minutes documents.

Permission module

Ejtema3at designed with security in mind, allowing access only to those who have been invited or have permission to view specific meeting and files. All confidential information is securely archived and remains secure. Ejtema3at allows setting permissions by groups or committees with a restricted access to meetings or documents, besides the integration with the Active Directory.

Powerful Reporting

Ejtema3at Meeting Analytics dashboards are built on a powerful reporting platform with a set of Rich graphical reports such as a number of accomplished meetings, tasks progress, and effectiveness of Committees and employees, to enhance your organization's efficiency.

Access anytime anywhere

Ejtema3at is a web based application with a truly responsive design support all devices, so the user can access the meeting from anywhere even from tablets or mobile devices.